Weight Loss

Breastfeeding Weight Loss

A Kiss on a StomachThe thing I like best about the idea of postnatal weight loss is that I don’t have to do anything until my baby is about two months old.  That’s mostly because a ‘diet’ regime could interfere with my breast milk supply, and it’s just best to wait until I get it down like clockwork first.

It’s a fact that breastfeeding mothers will lose the baby weight far easier than mothers who bottle-feed!  Exciting for me since I plan on pumping.  I’ve been referred to this book Eat Well, Lose Weight While Breastfeeding by Eileen Behan as the ultimate compendium of breastfeeding weight loss.  I’ll give it a look over if you do!

Get your doctor’s ok before you move into any diet or fitness regime.  Discuss your plans in medium detail and don’t be opposed to accepting advice even if initially you don’t like it. You may see the light of reason later on!

Eat ‘better’ foods every few hours.  And by ‘better’, I mean those foods that you may not want to eat because of a lack of deep fat fryer oil.  Zucchini, broccoli florets, vitamin rich this, a whole grain that.  Your new baby will eat about every three hours so it’s only natural that you will feel hungry enough to keep up with him/her so let’s at least keep off the McDonald’s shakes!

Breast milk is half water, so suck it up!  The water, not the milk.

Wake up, drink a glass. Got some down time?  Drink a glass.  Breastfeeding?  Drink!

Feeling hungry?
Maybe you’re thirsty.

It’s amazing how many times I have satiated my ‘hunger’ by drinking some liquid.  Of course, I prefer to drink water or some orange juice if possible since I could get just as much empty caloric intake from a can of Coke as I would from needlessly snacking from the fridge.  Sugar has always been my downfall!

Add some protein to your pasta.  If you feel like you’re getting too hungry too often, look at your last meal. Too many carbs?  I add Italian sausage to my spaghetti to keep myself from feeling too hungry too soon after.

I’ve gained weight with this, my first pregnancy, at the rate of about 1lb a week (Lord help me!) and as I’ve put it on, I should take it off.  1lb a week is a safe and acceptable rate of loss.  Don’t try to do more, it’s not worth it, take around a year to take the baby weight off!  We’re all different, don’t kick yourself, I’m certainly not!


It was always important, but now it’s getting more interesting.  I hate the idea of doing one thing over and over and over again every day, like taking a walk or repeating a Yoga DVD.  I’ve found some videos on Youtube that may change all that.  I can include my new baby in my daily exercise, and I don’t mean sitting in the stroller.

Check out the video below. I’m very excited to get in some exercise while bonding with my little bean!