Pregnancy Symptoms

3rd Trimester Symptoms

By the third trimester, I was used to being pregnant… as if you can ever get used to it.  All you can do is realize that although the roller coaster of pregnancy is scary and the attendant doesn’t see you flailing your arms to get off, at the end there will be relief.  Just not yet.  For now there is the third trimester.

pregnant 3rd trimester

Photo Credit: J. Star

My breasts hurt!  I had managed to avoid ever feeling a twinge, until about the 7th  month.  And no matter how many times I gently remind my husband that he can’t randomly ‘Tune in Tokyo’ anymore, it wasn’t until I start screaming that he started paying attention.  If I had it to do over, I wouldn’t gently say it but I wouldn’t wait until I was in tears either.  I’d sit him down and say “don’t-touch-my-boobies!”  Make direct eye contact, it’s an alpha male thing.  He’ll slink away with his tail between his legs.

You’re going to gain weight and you’re going to retain water.  You are going to get puffy and develop cankles.  You are going to get purpley-blue marks all over.  You are going to look like a lopsided peach and be unable to shower yourself properly.  Just accept it.

Did you know that you’re probably having contractions right now?  I didn’t.  Some women at work were noticing me as I was feeling a little winded one day (also more common in 3rd Trimester) and upon finding out that my stomach felt ‘tight’ they nodded to themselves.  “Braxton Hicks” they agreed.  “You’re having practice contractions.”  Which shocked and alarmed me because I didn’t know there would be practice involved, why ‘practice’ if you’re just going to have to go through all that pain anyway?!?  I asked my doctor and she told me that I could be having contractions right now and not ever know until ‘the day.’

I have a few back issues normally, but in the third trimester my spine decided to spread the fun to my legs.  If you don’t own a maternity support belt yet, please save yourself the trouble and go get one now.  Or stock up on heat pads.  Whatever you like.

Breathing got soooo hard sometimes in those last few months, look out for that.  I didn’t realize the full impact until after I had my kid.  Somewhere along the way he had squished up against my lungs so completely that I had no idea I was unable to take more than half a breath!  That first time you are again able to breathe deep is a magical, heady time.  Kind of like the roller coaster stopped, and the attendant has finally removed the lap bar.