Play Dough

Play Dough Recipe

Use this play dough recipe to make a fun dough that is cheap, and colorful!

homemade playdough for toddlersThings Needed:

1 Cup salt

1 ½ Cups flour

4 Tbsp. Olive Oil

4 Tsp. cream of tartar

¾ Cup tap water

Food Coloring

Storage containers such as; jam jars, baby food containers, etc.

Various kitchen utensils; rolling pins, cookie cutters, etc.

Vanilla, peppermint, almond are optional.  The same for any extract you can find down the baking aisle.  You can add them for their smell as much as for taste (and don’t think kids won’t put it in their mouth!)  This is not a time to use essential oils!

To Make:

Combine all ingredients (except the food coloring) adjust water/flour amounts to get a perfect consistency, squish together with your hands for best results, if you have toddlers they will love this step!

Now, grab a chunk of it and poke a little divot in the center with your finger. Put a few drops of food coloring in the indent, start with two.  Fold the dough until color is blended in to your satisfaction, be careful, it’ll stain your hands for a week!

Put dough in your containers and store wherever you like. If you see that the dough is drying out add a few drops of water until you’re back in the game. This dough will eventually go bad, but it’s easy to re-make. Woo, playtime!