Monthly Check-in

Don’t Work Too Hard [June Check-in]

I was going over my schedule and plans for June. I try to do a monthly “check-in” around the first of each month.

For June, I would love to complete:

  • 8 videos for the “Learn to Animate – Video Course.”
  • 8 chapters for the “Learn to Animate – Extended Book.”
  • 4 big blog posts (1000+ words).
  • 4 small blog posts (700 words or less).
  • Some website changes.
  • Backup all my computer hard drives.

The math of my hours.

During June, I am finishing up my contract with UW-Extension. That includes turning some videos into DVD’s, creating a marketing poster, running a workshop for Middle School Students on robotics, and putting the finishing touches on a few other projects. About 16 – 20 hours a week.

I have only two performances this month. Each event will take up a full day.

Even after performances and my 4-H contract, I hope to find 40 hours a week to work on the Compulsive Creative business. My wife has 10 hours to help. Meaning we have a total of 50 hours (the number in the top left of the image below).Don't Work Too Hard

Doing the math of how long each video and chapter will take, I realize my hours are quickly taken up by just those two tasks.

You can see my breakdown in the upper right of the image above, but I will write it here to make it a little clearer.

  • Pre-production of videos = 6 hours
  • Animating & shooting videos = 3 hours
  • Post-Production = 3 hours
  • Extra time for mistakes or technology issues = 3 hours
  • Transcribing chapter from video = 2 hours
  • Grabbing images from video = 2 hours
  • Creating background & layout for chapters = 2 hours
  • Extra time for mistakes or technology issues = 2 hours

A total of 23 hours per section.

What the numbers tell me.

If I want to create the eight videos and the eight chapters, it will take 46 hours per week.

Instead of expecting to get that list above done, I am going to need to focus every minute I have to make the videos and sections for the book.

My goals for June:

  • 8 videos for the “Learn to Animate – Video Course.”
  • 8 chapters for the “Learn to Animate – Extended Book.”