Homemade Baby Powder (Talcum free)

You’ll need:

½ Cup Cornstarch

½ Cup Arrowroot powder

1 Tbs dried ground Chamomile

1 Tbs dried ground Lavender

¼ Cup fine ground Oats

Okay, don’t be discouraged by the ingredients list here.  Depending on the wondrousness of your local supermarket, it may not be too tough.  Here in Wisconsin we have a Woodman’s Grocery near our home, complete with the ‘health food’ isles that (confession time) I rarely enter except when I need unusual items as the above.  If your store doesn’t have the ‘health food’ aisle, you may have to step outside your comfort zone and visit an actual health food store.  Don’t worry, they’re friendly!

A note about Talcum powder and why we like our baby powders to be free of it.  It causes aspiration pneumonia because baby inhales the Talcum it affects the lungs, badly.

So, super easy, blend these ingredients together and pour into a baby-powder style bottle, or reuse your old, empty, baby powder bottle.  Enjoy a dry baby bottom!


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